Approximately one half of the world's animal population lives in the rainforest.

Here are some facts about some animals that live in the rainforest:

Poison arrow frogs

  • Poison arrow frogs are called thus because the people who live in the rainforests would tip their arrows with the poison.
  • These creatures live near mashes, rivers and streams.
  • They eat termites, ants, flies and crickets.
  • They are located in South and occasionally North America
  • Their bright colours warns predators that they are not safe to eat
  • They come in yellow, gold, red, copper, blue, black and green
  • There is a type of snake that is immune to the poison dart frog's toxins, and is their only natural predator.
  • Poison dart frogs can live for 3-15 years in the wild.
Bengal tigers

  • Before finding their own territories, Bengal tiger cubs stay with their mothers for 2-3 years.
  • They are the largest members of the cat family.
  • Bengal tigers are nocturnal - they hunt at night.
  • You can find these creatures in India which is why they are sometimes known as Indian tigers.
  • A hungry tiger can eat as much as 27kg in one night but usually they choose to eat less
  • Bengal tigers are born in litters of 2-6 cubs and when growing up have little or no fatherly help.
  • Bengal tigers can live for 8-10 years in the wild
  • Their coats, (none look alike,) are used to blend in using camouflage 

  • Anaconda come from the Boa family, meaning they wraps themselves around their prey, tightening their grip until their victim suffocates.
  • They weigh around 227kg, making them the largest snake in the world.
  • The anaconda lives in swamps, marshes, and of course, the upper canopy in the rainforests.
  • Some anacondas have been known to grow up to 29ft in length, and 30cm in diameter.
  • These animals sustain a good diet of wild pigs, capybara, deer, birds, turtles and even the occasional jaguar.
  • A group of anacondas is called a bed or knot.
  • They can live for about 10 years in the wild.
  • Female anacondas are generally larger than males.

  • Toucans have about 2-4 eggs a year
  • They nest in tree holes
  • Both parents help raise their chicks
  • The bone that the beautifully coloured beak is made out of is actually in a "honeycomb shape", with a lot of air bubbles.
  • Toucan's bodies are around 63cm and their beaks are about 19 or 20cm
  • In the wild, toucans can live for up to 20 years.
  • Toco toucans live in flocks of around six
  • When a toucan is born, it's beak is about normal sized. As it grows, so does the beak, but much faster than it's body.