The typical rainforest has four different layers. These layers are called: The forest floor, the understory, the canopy and the emergent.  Many different plant and animal species only live in certain rainforest layers because those layers have the right climate. Below are the layers in more detail:

Forest floor

This is the first layer of the rainforest. It is the darkest part, as less than 1% of the sunlight that reaches the upper canopy gets to the forest floor. It is also very humid here, and plants that may take a year to decay under different circumstances would only take roughly six weeks to decay in the forest floor. Fungus and algae thrive here as it is the perfect climate for them to grow in. Giant anteaters are the main animals that live in this section of the rainforest.


Also known as the Lower canopy, the plants that grow here almost never reach the height of 12ft, although the understory is categorized as 0-60ft. Out of all the layers, the lower canopy has the most amount of insects, so the plants have adapted to eating bugs, like the Venus fly trap. Shrubs, small plants and small trees live here in abundance, as it is the most desirable place for them. The most common animals to live here are jaguars, leopards, and red eyed tree frogs. 


The plants here have adapted their leaves so that they end in a narrow point, allowing the water from the rain to pour off, preventing algae and mildew from growing on them. this is called a drip tip. About 60-130 ft up in the air, butterflies, snakes and toucans live here as there are many plants that grow fruit here. Both light and water can be found here, so medium sized to tall trees grow in this area, and the leaves are always green and leafy.


The tallest of all the layers, the trees that are located here are massive, sometimes reaching 200ft high with 60ft trunks. Most leaves are small and waxy as trees up here are unprotected against wind and rain. The trees that are found in the emergent layer are usually evergreens, and spaced wide apart.  Bats, monkeys, eagles, butterflies and mainly birds are found here, as it is the lightest and the best place for making nests for the animals to sleep in without big cats getting to them.